Flickr Auto Uploader Android How Choose Files to Upload

Lú_ bilang:

In the iOS app, you admission turning on and off autoupload from the in-app Settings menu. I would imagine it's probably the same for the Android app.
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

japanese forms bilang:


Cheers but I can't see any on/off autoupload in the app settings.

But 'Clear Defaults' - which I did.

Going to uninstall, load a couple of photos and see nhow it goes from at that place.
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

kmacgray bilang:

japanese forms:

Under the app settings, it'southward the showtime item, "Car-Uploadr". Tap that.
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

japanese forms bilang:



I found it... After uninstalling and reinstalling the app.

Acquire as you play, huh?

I appreciate your assist.
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

Dick Shattuck bilang:

Ok, please pardon the silly question, merely I'm only an Old Guy who doesn't know much beyond how to take a photo with my camera, save information technology on my calculator, and and then upload it to Flickr. I just desire to be sure most this...

I (think) I sympathise nigh people's cell phone photos being uploaded to Flickr automatically. Nevertheless, this "auto-upload" doesn't extend to photos I shop on my own calculator, does it? I did look at Flickr settings and don't see annihilation that seems to relate to this matter, but I've read several frantic comments where people seem to point it can happen. And, I must admit, I find I have many more than photos in my Google + account than I expected, and then I must have somehow unknowingly allowed those to be stored there.

FWIW (besides as OT) ... Afterward the obvious download problems are resolved (which I'm sure they volition exist), I think I'1000 going to like this newest new Flickr. I see more pluses than minuses.
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

Lú_ bilang:

Sonora Dick:

No, it doesn't do that. But there is a new, downloadable entirely optional tool for Mac and Windows computers that can be set up to autoupload photos from particular folders. You lot'll observe a link to it on the Upload page.
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest bilang:

Sonora Dick:

download issues

They were *upload* problems.

Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

Dick Shattuck bilang:

MabelAmber® ***Pluto5339*** Queen of Streetshots:

Told you I don't know much. :)
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest bilang:

Sonora Dick:


Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

Maryann's*****Fotos bilang:

I don't care that the auto uploaded photos are private until I choose to make them public; I simply don't desire to use this feature and even though I've turned automobile upload off on my iPhone 5s, it is still uploading them!!! Not happy!!!
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

minicooper93402 bilang:

here's my "unable to turn off auto upload" trouble -- using a mac. my photos are uploading as soon as recognized past the uploader ... before i've done whatsoever edits. have to delete all the photos and then upload the ones i desire to keep.

i tried to find settings on mac, just cannot. i have an uploader icon on my dock and in the finder, but can't open up information technology to change the settings. i tried to delete the app, but i tin't considering i keep getting message that it's open. tin can't shut the app either.

whatever ideas please?
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

elihernandezjr bilang:

I'm getting the same issue. I'd similar to completely remove this from my iMac.
Assistance please.
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

bdbdgmd bilang:

Ditto. This is highly annoying and frustrating. I want to choose which photo I upload. How can I stop this bloody thing????? I tin't put it in the trash because it is 'OPEN'. I tin can't close it because I tin't discover it to disable it. VERY ANNOYED.
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

Sue Chapman CPAGB bilang:

Ditto on my PC. How tin can I get rid of all the photos and albums that I don't want in ane go please. Put information technology on car uploader and now wish I hadn't and despite thinking I had cancelled the car uploader it is all the same auto uploading images from my PC.
Urgent help please as there are many of my commercial photos I do not want on flickr.
Feeling very annoyed I can't see how to stop this so might simply exist cancelling everything on flickr very soon indeed unless some one on flickr can suggest an urgent respond.
In apprehension Thanks
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

per otto oppi christiansen bilang:

Same trouble. Like to solve it. Very very annoying.
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

HerryLawford bilang:

Auto-Upload has completely trashed my advisedly curated Flickr stream of lx,000 photos going back to 2004. Thousands more photos accept of a sudden appeared that I had deliberately NOT uploaded to Flickr. And hundreds of new 'Albums' that have completely messed up my album sets. Information technology's a nightmare. Where on world do you plow it off??
Di-posting pada 84 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

kiwirat bilang:


i tried to find settings on mac, merely cannot. i take an uploader icon on my dock and in the finder, but can't open it to modify the settings. i tried to delete the app, but i can't because i keep getting bulletin that it'south open up. can't close the app either.

any ideas please?

press the cmd-choice-esc keys at the same fourth dimension, then strength quit the uploader, and so throw information technology away.
Di-posting pada 83 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

Maaach bilang:

This is actually stupid Yahoo. People apply their phones for sensitive information. Credit cards, Bank checks , bills . Why would you auto upload this without consent???
Di-posting pada 83 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

andres musta bilang:

Having similar problems on my new Android device. What a terrible app!!! The just way I accept found to safely transfer only pics I want from my phone is through a cumbersomely deadening e-mail uploader. I definitely do not want all my pics uploaded. Aside from some f'northward serious privacy concerns, it eats expensive data allowances very apace. Deleting automobile-uploaded pics was surprisingly convoluted. Bring back the old Flickr. Someone! Please!!!
Market it equally Flickr Archetype. Accuse me extra for it! I'd pay.
Di-posting pada 83 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

andres musta bilang:

Shocking lack of any admin response on these auto-upload help forums. Esp. for a company that was selling all its mods as mobile-enhancing.
Di-posting pada 83 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

kiwirat bilang:


Credit cards, Bank checks , bills . Why would you motorcar upload this without consent???

It but uploads photos, unless yous have photos of your credit cards or checks.

In that location are 2 means of turning off the machine upload 'characteristic', when yous first launch the app a large screen comes up asking you want to auto upload, just tap no.
The other way is tap settings and it's 1st item in the list.
Di-posting pada 83 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

txmx 2 bilang:

For Mac users (laptop+desktop) I recommend "appcleaner". (complimentary, super uncomplicated and effective).
It not merely removes the app but as well all related files the uploadr has spread into your library folders (Like preferences etc.).
Di-posting pada 83 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )
txmx 2 mengedit topik ini 83 bulan yang lalu.

Daniel57 bilang:

The auto up-loader is a Major pain in the A-- to the point I'm considering cancelling my Flickr Pro acct. I merely tried final night deleting the album, this didn't work, ultimately wound upwards deleting all of my photos. Information technology seems with social networking these days "choice" is beingness taken away from the states for what is perceived equally convenience. I want to choose what is up loaded and not take to got thru some arduous task to delete photos I didn't desire to upload in the beginning place. I see where a more efficient up-loader would be well received, but this iteration to me is a bad move.
Di-posting pada 82 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

kiwirat bilang:


I just tried last night deleting the album, this didn't piece of work, ultimately wound up deleting all of my photos

Deleting an anthology just deletes the links, the photos stay in your photostream.

I want to cull what is up loaded and not have to got thru some arduous task to delete photos I didn't desire to upload in the outset identify.

You lot do have a choice, in the settings plough off auto upload.
Di-posting pada 82 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

cheap kittens bilang:

I have this switched off on an Android phone but they're yet uploading. How does this become stopped?
Di-posting pada 82 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

Munson Photos bilang:

I am likewise VERY unhappy with the new auto uploader...Information technology has made a mess of my Flickr account...adding duplicates of photos already in albums, etc. I've simply deleted the program merely at present I have to deal with the photos.
Di-posting pada 82 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

kentsmudger bilang:

Merely 'discovered' this Auto Uploadr likewise. The app, which I well-nigh never use, has found a folder full of pictures (generally downloaded from the spider web) on my tablet and uploaded them! - I accept at present got nearly 200 pictures, most of which are non mine, on my flickr business relationship which I now have to delete one past one?
I have switched off the 'feature' now but I was never asked if I wanted to upload them in the first place!
Who on earth thought this was a skillful idea?
Di-posting pada 82 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

ColleenM bilang:


which I at present have to delete one by ane?

No, only use Organizer to delete them as a batch. Ii clicks to select them all, and so drag the selection into the piece of work area.

Three clicks to confirm you lot really, really know what you lot're doing and really really want to do this.

That'south all it takes?
Di-posting pada 82 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

salbug00 bilang:

Glad I came here. I don't have much experience with my tablet but I sometimes will save photos I similar to my tablet. When I was uploading a photo from my laptop, I was horrified to see that all the photos from my tablet uploaded. I had to delete 200 photos (which are non mine) one past ane. I seriously thought I had been hacked or something sinister had happened. This is a horrible characteristic (merely as bad as the auto tagging fiasco). Please stop making those ghastly "enhancements."
Di-posting pada 82 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

kentsmudger bilang:


Thanks - Sorted them all now - Perhaps Flickr could have added just one more click first - To ask if every picture on my device was my ain work and that I wanted to add them to my photostream anyhow?
Di-posting pada 82 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

Roxanne 5 bilang:

Yous hateful I have to individually remove each photo that is not mine only was uploaded by the Flickr Uploader??????
Di-posting pada 81 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

mag3737 bilang:

Yous can bulk-delete photos using the Organizr or the Camera Roll.
Di-posting pada 81 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

peter.pierson bilang:


Best advice in the whole thread. Cheers. Information technology worked like a charm. Mac/iphone/ipad
Di-posting pada 81 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

JohninLA bilang:

Is there a way to create an album, say "Telephone Photos," and take my telephone machine back up to this album?

I don't want all my mistakes, or prepare photos, auto backed up to my Photostream. This way, my phone photos are in i place, and I can delete the one'south I don't desire. I merely don't want my Photostream messed up. I'd prefer to keep my backed upwards photos separate.
Di-posting pada 81 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

hytam2 bilang:

can i delete auto uploadr from my computer . it is chewing upward my monthly data allowance
Di-posting pada 81 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

ColleenM bilang:


Yes. But become to your programs folder and uninstall it.
Di-posting pada 81 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

JoStof bilang:

Is there a fashion to select photo-folders on my phone from which machine-uploadr can upload? Now information technology uploads all the photos on my phone (android) besides pictures people send me, or ones that I download.
Just photos from the binder with pictures I took! I don't want other people'southward photos on my Photographic camera-Gyre or Photostream!!
Di-posting pada 80 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

dweller88 bilang:

My android phone is auto uploading fifty-fifty though that is switched off in the settings.

Flickr Fail.
Di-posting pada eighty bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

Nattawong bilang:

Top_Banana123000 bilang:


Non true. Every time the app starts it wants me to enable the autouploader. It's bad-mannered to avert enabling information technology.
Di-posting pada 79 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

Top_Banana123000 bilang:

Does anybody from flickr/yahoo read this? There seems to be no response as to how to stop all pics from android autouploading. We just want our pics uploaded, non pics from other sources that accept found there way onto our phones in odd folders.

Many of u.s. have photos we just want on our phone not on flickr so we should exist able to select folders.

Also please stop trying to turn on autouploader every time I sign in on android app.
Di-posting pada 79 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

Gunnar Larsen bilang:

I cannot cease motorcar-uploading pictures from "My pictures" on my PC (Windows ten). I think that is also the reason why I can hardly upload the pictures I want to upload to my flickr account. I go this error message. I take managed to upload about xx pictures manually, but I succeed but 1 in 5 times. I take no issues to download pictures at Facebook.
Di-posting pada 79 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

Gunnar Larsen bilang:


I think I establish the solution, just I take a hard fourth dimension to explicate it in English. Jeg hadde lastet ned et program som heter Flickr uploader eller lignende Jeg har nå avinstallert dette programmet. Håper det løste problemet.
Di-posting pada 79 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

MabelAmber***Pluto5339***MysteryGuest bilang:


Jeg hadde lastet ned et plan som heter Flickr uploader eller lignende Jeg har nå avinstallert dette programmet. Håper det løste problemet.

This is what Google translate makes of your Norwegian:

"I had downloaded a program called Flickr uploader or similar I accept now uninstalled this program. Promise it solved the problem."

The Flickr Uploadr will start ask you if you want it to automatically upload any new additions on your hard drive. Y'all can control the workings by ticking any specific folder you want it to upload. And then information technology will only upload the contents of that folder.

Uninstalling the Flickr Uploadr if y'all are non intending to upload huge batches to your account seems the best solution.
Di-posting pada 79 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink ) bilang:

This is yet a major effect that needs to exist resolved. 1 of our employees downloaded a Flickr app update. Information technology DEFAULTED to the auto upload. Her personal iPhone camera roll loaded into our company page. She turned off the machine upload inside the Flickr app. IOS 9 comes out, and this time, the Flickr app defaulted back to auto upload and uploaded her entire 752 personal photos from her phone onto our visitor page. We asked our employees to remove the Flickr app from their devices until further notice.
Di-posting pada 79 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

kmacgray bilang: The iOS app does indeed default to having auto upload turned on. But when you install it for the first time and run information technology (can't call up if information technology does this afterward an app update), you are presented with a screen request if you want to leave auto upload on or turn it off. It is impossible to go along through to the app without making a pick here. Information technology sounds like your employee chose to not plough auto upload off.
Di-posting pada 79 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )

ernstkers bilang:

We asked our employees to remove the Flickr app from their devices until farther observe.

Flickr is designed for personal use. If the app on your employees devices can upload to your account, it ways you lot have shared the login credentials with those employees and y'all try to use Flickr for something information technology's not designed.

Everyone with the login credentials volition accept full control over the account and any mistake they make, see kmacgray's answer to you, volition affect your account. That's non something to be resolved by Flickr, merely past you lot. Best is to change the password of the yahoo business relationship and don't share it with others anymore.
Di-posting pada 79 bulan yang lalu. ( permalink )


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