What Word Means Brought Up Again
to carry, convey, or behave: I volition bring my friend with me when I come.
Non to be dislocated with:
fetch – to go, get, and bring back: My cat plays fetch.
have – the reverse of bring: Accept me home with y'all.
Driveling, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
(brĭng)tr.v. brought (brôt), bring·ing, brings
i. To bear, convey, lead, or crusade to go forth to some other place: brought enough money with me.
two. To carry equally an attribute or contribution: Yous bring many years of feel to your new post.
3. To atomic number 82 or force into a specified state, situation, or location: bring the water to a boil; brought the coming together to a close.
a. To persuade; induce: The defendant'southward testimony brought others to confess.
b. To get the attending of; attract: Smoke and flames brought the neighbors.
a. To cause to occur as a issue: Floods brought destruction to the valley.
b. To cause to occur every bit a concomitant: For many, the fall brings hay fever.
six. To cause to become credible to the heed; remember: This music brings dorsum memories.
7. To advance or fix along (charges) in a courtroom.
8. To be sold for: a portrait that brought a million dollars.
bring most
1. To crusade (something) to happen: a speech that brought well-nigh a change in public opinion.
two. Nautical To cause (a ship or boat) to head in a different direction.
bring around (or circular)
one. To cause to adopt an opinion or take a sure course of action.
2. To cause to recover consciousness.
bring down
1. To cause to fall or plummet: a shot that brought downward a bird; a sabotage coiffure that brought downward a building.
2. To force to the ground, equally past tackling.
three. To cause to lose power or exit function: The scandal brought downwards the prime number government minister.
4. To kill.
5. To disappoint or dispirit: The counterfoil of the abortion brought us downwards.
bring forth
1. To give rise to; produce: plants bringing forth fruit.
two. To give nativity to (young).
bring frontwards
1. To present; produce: bring frontwards proof.
two. Bookkeeping To behave (a sum) from one page or column to another.
bring in
one. Law To requite or submit (a verdict) to a court.
2. To produce, yield, or earn (profits or income).
bring off
To accomplish: bring off a successful advertising campaign.
bring on
To cause to appear: brought on the dessert.
bring out
a. To reveal or expose: brought out the facts.
b. To introduce (a debutante) to society.
2. To produce or publish: bring out a new book.
3. To nurture and develop (a quality, for example) to best advantage: Yous bring out the all-time in me.
bring to
1. To crusade to recover consciousness.
2. Nautical To cause (a transport) to plow into the wind or come up to a stop.
bring upwards
ane. To take care of and educate (a kid); rear.
2. To introduce into discussion; mention.
3. To vomit.
4. To cause to come to a sudden end.
bring down the house
To win overwhelming approval from an audition.
bring home
To brand perfectly clear: a lecture that brought home several important points.
bring home the bacon
ane. To earn a living, especially for a family.
2. To achieve desired results; accept success.
bring to bear
i. To exert; apply: bring pressure to touch on the student'due south parents.
2. To put (something) to proficient employ: "All of one'southward faculties are brought to comport in an endeavor to become fully incorporated into the landscape" (Barry Lopez).
bring to light
To reveal or disclose: brought the existent facts to light.
bring to (one's) knees
To reduce to a position of subservience or submission.
bring to terms
To force (another) to hold.
bring upwardly the rear
To be the last in a line or sequence.
bring′er n.
Usage Note: The difference between bring and take is one of perspective. Bring indicates motion toward the place from which the activity is regarded—typically toward the speaker—while have indicates movement away from the place from which the activeness is regarded—typically away from the speaker. Thus from a customer's perspective, the customer takes checks to the banking company and brings dwelling cash, while from the banker's perspective the customer brings checks to the bank in order to take away cash. When the signal of reference is not the identify of speaking itself, either verb is possible, but the right choice yet depends on the desired perspective. For example, The labor leaders brought their requests to the mayor'due south office suggests a point of view centered effectually the mayor's part, while The labor leaders took their requests to the mayor'due south office suggests a point of view centered around the labor leaders. Be aware that the choice of bring or accept determines the point of view emphasized. For example, a parent sitting at home may say of a kid, She always takes a pile of books domicile with her from school, describing the situation from the child's viewpoint leaving school. If the viewpoint shifts to the speaker, bring becomes appropriate, as in Look, I meet her coming right now, and she's bringing a whole armful of books!
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(brɪŋ)vb (tr) , brings, bringing or brought
i. to acquit, convey, or take (something or someone) to a designated place or person: bring that book to me; volition you bring Jessica to Tom's party?.
two. to cause to happen or occur to (oneself or another): to bring disrespect on oneself.
3. to crusade to happen as a issue: responsibility brings maturity.
4. to crusade to come to mind: it brought back memories.
5. to cause to be in a certain state, position, etc: the dial brought him to his knees.
half dozen. to force, persuade, or make (oneself): I couldn't bring myself to do it.
vii. (Commerce) to sell for; fetch: the painting brought 20 pounds.
8. (Law) law
a. to institute (proceedings, charges, etc)
b. to put (evidence, etc) before a tribunal
ix. bring forth to give birth to
10. bring home to
a. to convince of: his account brought home to the states the gravity of the situation.
b. to identify the blame on
11. bring to deport See bear1 17
[Old English language bringan; related to Gothic briggan, Old High German bringan]
ˈbringer northward
Collins English language Dictionary – Consummate and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(brɪŋ)v.t. brought, bring•ing.
1. to carry, convey, bear, or cause (someone or something) to come with, to, or toward the speaker.
2. to crusade to come to or toward oneself; attract.
3. to crusade to occur or exist: The medicine brought rapid relief.
4. to crusade to come into a item position, state, or effect: to bring a car to a cease.
5. to persuade, compel, or induce: I couldn't bring myself to sell it.
6. to crusade to come up to mind; evoke; recall: to bring dorsum happy memories.
7. to sell for; fetch: These lamps will bring a good price.
8. Law. to commence: to bring an action for damages.
nine. bring virtually, to accomplish; cause.
10. bring effectually or round,
a. to convince of a belief or opinion; persuade.
b. to restore to consciousness, as after a faint.
xi. bring down,
a. to injure, capture, or kill.
b. to cause to fall.
c. to cause to be in low spirits; depress.
d. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. to nowadays (a report, pecker, etc.) in a parliament.
12. bring forth,
a. to give nascence to or produce; bear: to bring forth young.
b. to give rising to; introduce.
13. bring frontward,
a. to bring to view; bear witness.
b. to nowadays for consideration; adduce.
14. bring in,
a. to yield, as profits or income.
b. to present officially; submit: to bring in a verdict.
c. to crusade to operate or yield: to bring in an oil well.
d. to introduce.
15. bring off, to accomplish, carry out, or reach.
sixteen. bring on, to cause to happen, appear, or exist: to bring on a headache.
17. bring out,
a. to reveal or expose.
b. to make noticeable or conspicuous; emphasize.
c. to crusade to appear: The clams I ate brought out a rash.
d. to publish or produce.
east. to introduce formally into gild.
18. bring to,
a. to bring back to consciousness; revive.
b. to head (a vessel) close to or into the wind and then as to halt.
19. bring up,
a. to care for during childhood; rear.
b. to introduce or mention for attention or consideration.
c. to vomit.
d. to cease quickly or abruptly.
[before 950; Middle English language; Former English language bringan]
bring′er, n.
Random Firm Kernerman Webster'due south College Dictionary, © 2010 One thousand Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
– take – fetch1. 'bring'
If you bring someone or something with you when you lot come to a place, you have them with you.
He would have to bring Judy with him.
Please bring your calculator to every lesson.
The past tense and -ed participle of bring is brought.
My secretary brought my mail to the business firm.
I've brought you a present.
If you ask someone to bring you lot something, you lot are asking them to carry or movement it to the place where yous are.
Can you bring me some water?
2. 'take'
If you accept someone or something to a identify, you carry or bulldoze them in that location. The past tense form of take is took. The -ed participle is taken.
He took the children to school.
If you have someone or something with you when y'all go to a place, you have them with you.
She gave me some books to take home.
Don't forget to have your umbrella.
3. 'fetch'
If you fetch something, you go to the place where it is and return with it.
I went and fetched another glass.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: brought
Gerund: bringing
Imperative |
bring |
bring |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:
Verb | 1. | bring - accept something or somebody with oneself somewhere; "Bring me the box from the other room"; "Take these letters to the dominate"; "This brings me to the main point" convey, take fetch, bring, get, convey - go or come after and bring or accept back; "Get me those books over in that location, please"; "Could y'all bring the wine?"; "The dog fetched the hat" fetch - take away or remove; "The devil will fetch you!" bring - be accompanied by; "Tin can I bring my cousin to the dinner?" bear, transport - motion while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on ane's body; "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "This train is carrying nuclear waste matter"; "These pipes bear waste water into the river" transit - crusade or enable to pass through; "The canal volition transit hundreds of ships every day" ferry - transport from one identify to another bring back, accept dorsum, render - bring back to the betoken of departure tube - convey in a tube; "inside Paris, they used to tube post" whisk - move somewhere quickly; "The President was whisked away in his limo" channel, transmit, carry, impart, comport, convey - transmit or serve equally the medium for transmission; "Sound carries well over water"; "The airwaves deport the sound"; "Many metals conduct oestrus" state - bring aground; "The drug smugglers landed the heroin on the beach of the island" bring down, let down, lower, take down, get down - move something or somebody to a lower position; "have downwards the vase from the shelf" lift, enhance, elevate, get upward, bring up - raise from a lower to a higher position; "Raise your hands"; "Lift a load" state, put downwardly, bring down - crusade to come up to the ground; "the airplane pilot managed to land the airplane safely" bring frontward, accelerate - crusade to move forward; "Can you motility the car seat forrard?" bring on, bring out, produce - bring onto the market or release; "produce a movie"; "bring out a book"; "produce a new play" |
2. | bring - cause to come into a particular state or status; "Long hard years of on the job preparation had brought them to their competence"; "bring water to the boiling point" alter, modify, change - crusade to modify; brand different; cause a transformation; "The appearance of the machine may accept altered the growth pattern of the metropolis"; "The discussion has changed my thinking well-nigh the event" issue, publish, bring out, release, put out - prepare and issue for public distribution or sale; "publish a magazine or newspaper" bring together, join - crusade to become joined or linked; "bring together these two parts so that they fit together" | |
3. | bring - crusade to happen or to occur as a consequence; "I cannot work a miracle"; "wreak havoc"; "bring comments"; "play a joke"; "The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area" make for, wreak, piece of work, play create, make - brand or crusade to exist or to become; "brand a mess in one's office"; "create a furor" work, human action - accept an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected; "The voting process doesn't piece of work too equally people thought"; "How does your thought piece of work in practise?"; "This method doesn't work"; "The breaks of my new auto act apace"; "The medicine works only if you have it with a lot of h2o" bring up, call down, conjure, conjure up, invoke, phone call forth, put frontward, arouse, evoke, stir, heighten - summon into action or bring into existence, often every bit if by magic; "raise the specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the air"; "call down the spirits from the mount" bring on, induce - crusade to arise; "induce a crunch" bring off, behave off, manage, negociate, pull off - be successful; attain a goal; "She succeeded in persuading us all"; "I managed to deport the box upstairs"; "She pulled it off, even though we never idea her capable of it"; "The pianist negociated the hard runs" | |
4. | bring - become or come after and bring or accept dorsum; "Get me those books over there, please"; "Could you bring the vino?"; "The dog fetched the hat" fetch, get, convey retrieve - run later, pick up, and bring to the master; "train the canis familiaris to retrieve" recollect - become for and bring back; "recall the machine from the parking garage" channel, channelise, channelize, transmit, transport, transfer - send from i person or place to another; "transmit a message" deliver - bring to a destination, brand a delivery; "our local super market place delivers" bring, convey, take - take something or somebody with oneself somewhere; "Bring me the box from the other room"; "Take these letters to the dominate"; "This brings me to the primary signal" bear abroad, bear off, acquit away, take away, carry off - remove from a sure place, environment, or mental or emotional state; transport into a new location or country; "Their dreams carried the Romantics away into distant lands"; "The car carried united states off to the meeting"; "I'll take you abroad on a vacation"; "I got carried away when I saw the dead man and I started to cry" | |
5. | bring - bring into a unlike state; "this may land you in jail" state alter, change, modify - cause to change; make dissimilar; crusade a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the urban center"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the upshot" cutting downward, reduce, trim dorsum, trim down, cutting, cutting dorsum, trim, bring down - cut downwards on; brand a reduction in; "reduce your daily fat intake"; "The employer wants to cut dorsum wellness benefits" parent, bring upward, nurture, rear, raise - bring up; "raise a family"; "bring upward children" | |
6. | bring - be accompanied past; "Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?" bring, convey, take - have something or somebody with oneself somewhere; "Bring me the box from the other room"; "Have these letters to the boss"; "This brings me to the main point" | |
7. | bring - accelerate or set forth in court; "bring charges", "institute proceedings" institute create, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in 1's office"; "create a furor" | |
8. | ![]() contribute, lend, impart, add together, bestow alter, change, change - cause to change; make dissimilar; cause a transformation; "The appearance of the auto may have altered the growth pattern of the urban center"; "The discussion has inverse my thinking virtually the issue" factor - be a contributing factor; "brand things cistron into a company's profitability" instill, transfuse - impart gradually; "Her presence instilled organized religion into the children"; "transfuse love of music into the students" tinsel - impart a cheap effulgence to; "his tinseled image of Hollywood" throw in - add every bit an extra or every bit a gratuity | |
nine. | bring - be sold for a sure cost; "The painting brought $10,000"; "The old print fetched a high toll at the auction" fetch, bring in | |
10. | bring - attract the attention of; "The noise and the screaming brought the curious" bring - induce or persuade; "The confession of 1 of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime equally well" attract, pull in, draw in, pull, draw - direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes; "Her good looks concenter the stares of many men"; "The ad pulled in many potential customers"; "This pianist pulls huge crowds"; "The store possessor was happy that the ad drew in many new customers" | |
11. | bring - induce or persuade; "The confession of i of the accused brought the others to admit to the offense also" cause, induce, stimulate, make, go, accept - cause to practice; cause to human action in a specified manner; "The ads induced me to buy a VCR"; "My children finally got me to buy a computer"; "My wife made me buy a new sofa" bring - attract the attention of; "The noise and the screaming brought the curious" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
4. make, forcefulness, influence, convince, persuade, prompt, compel, induce, move, dispose, sway, prevail on or upon I could not even bring myself to enter the business firm.
bring someone down
2. discourage, upset, depress, crush, dash, damp, deter, dismay, daunt, dampen, lay low, cast downward, put a damper on, dispirit, cloud You'll do anything to bring me down, won't yous?
bring someone circular
bring someone upward rear, raise, support, railroad train, develop, teach, nurse, breed, foster, educate, care for, nurture She brought up iv children.
bring something about crusade, produce, create, issue, manage, reach, occasion, realize, generate, reach, give rise to, compass, make happen, effectuate, bring to pass The two sides are attempting to bring about primal changes.
bring something back
bring something down
bring something in
1. innovate, start, establish, launch, institute, set up, establish, organize, pioneer, initiate, usher in, inaugurate They brought in a controversial law.
2. produce, return, cyberspace, realize, generate, be worth, yield, gross, fetch, accrue The concern brings in nigh £24,000 a year
bring something on crusade, produce, create, effect, lead to, occasion, consequence in, generate, provoke, hogtie, motivate, induce, bring nearly, give rise to, precipitate, incite, engender Astringent daze can bring on an attack of acne.
bring something out
bring something upwardly
Collins Thesaurus of the English Linguistic communication – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
verbone. To cause to come along with oneself:
2. To succeed in causing (a person) to act in a certain way:
three. To exist the cause of:
bring about, bring on, crusade, result, effectuate, generate, induce, ingenerate, lead to, brand, occasion, consequence in, secure, set off, stir (up), touch off, trigger.
4. To achieve (a certain price).Also used with in:
bring near
To be the cause of:
bring, bring on, cause, issue, effectuate, generate, induce, ingenerate, atomic number 82 to, make, occasion, result in, secure, set off, stir (up), touch off, trigger.
bring around or circular
ane. To succeed in causing (a person) to act in a certain mode:
two. To cause to come back to life or consciousness:
bring downwards
1. To cause to autumn, as from a shot or blow:
cut down, down, drop, roughshod, flatten, floor, footing, knock down, level, prostrate, strike downwardly, throw.
2. To bring nigh the downfall of:
bring forth
To requite birth to:
Chiefly Regional: nascence.
Idiom: be brought abed of.
bring in
To make equally income or turn a profit:
articulate, draw, earn, gain, gross, net, pay, produce, realize, repay, return, yield.
bring off
To bring about and deport to a successful conclusion:
bring on
To be the cause of:
bring, bring about, cause, effect, effectuate, generate, induce, ingenerate, lead to, make, occasion, consequence in, secure, set up off, stir (up), bear on off, trigger.
bring out
To present for circulation, exhibit, or sale:
bring up
1. To accept care of and educate (a child):
ii. To put forward (a topic) for discussion:
3. To call or direct attention to something:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
احضر يَجْلِبُ،يُخْضِرُيَجيء بِيَنْتُجُ عَنْهُ
přinést přivést přivézt
bringe føre requite medføre skaffe
tuoda syöttää
færa koma meî, færa, flytja
持ってくる 持って来る 持って行く
aiškiai parodyti atgaivinti atnešti atvesti grąžinti
atnest atvest novest līdz panākt
bruhati povzročiti prinesti pripeljati vzgojiti
mang lại
[brɪŋ] (brought (pt, pp)) VT
1. [person, object] [+ news, luck etc] → traer; [+ person] → llevar, conducir
bring it over hither → tráelo para acá
bring it closer → acércalo
to bring sth to an terminate → terminar con algo
to bring a matter to a determination → concluir united nations asunto, llevar un asunto a su desenlace
information technology brought usa to the verge of disaster → nos llevó al borde del desastre
I was not brought into the matter at whatever phase → no me dieron voz en este asunto en ningún momento
see also volume A1
v. (= induce) to bring sb to do sth → hacer que algn haga algo
he was brought to see his error → le hicieron ver su error
it brought me to realize that → me hizo comprender que ...
he couldn't bring himself to tell her/bear on it → no se sentía con el valor suficiente para decírselo/tocarlo
bring virtually VT + ADV
bring down VT + ADV
ane. (= lower) [+ prices] → bajar
bring forrad VT + ADV
ii. (= advance fourth dimension of) [+ appointment, meeting] → adelantar
bring in VT + ADV
bring off VT + ADV
two. [+ people from wreck] → rescatar
bring on VT + ADV
bring out VT + ADV
bring over VT + ADV
bring round VT + ADV
bring to VT + ADV
bring nether VT + ADV (= subjugate) → someter
bring upward VT + ADV
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈbrɪŋ] [brought] [ˈbrɔːt] (pt, pp) vt
(= cause) to bring sth to an end → mettre fin à qch
to bring sth to a stop → arrêter qch
to bring sth crashing down → faire s'écrouler qch
[+ settlement, agreement, reconciliation] → amener
bring forth
vt [+ matter] → apporter; [person] → amener
bring back
[+ memories] → ranimer
to bring it all back
It brought it all back → Tout thousand'est revenu.
(= cut) [+ tax, price] → baisser
They should bring down their prices → Ils devraient baisser leurs prix.
[+ meeting, outcome] → avancer
The meeting was brought forrad → On a avancé la réunion.
(= produce) [+ income] → rapporter
He's bringing in quite a lot of coin
Just Il gagne pas mal d'argent.
[+ new production] → sortir; [+ book] → publier
bring round
vt [+ unconscious person] → ranimer
bring to
vt [+ unconscious person] → ranimer
bring up
[+ child] → élever
She brought upward 5 children on her own → Elle a élevé cinq enfants toute seule.
I bring my children up to be trusting, honest and helpful
But J'apprends à mes enfants à être confiants, honnêtes et serviables.
(= vomit) [+ nutrient] → vomir, rendrebring-and-buy auction [ˌbrɪŋənˈbaɪ] n (British) → vente f de charité
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
pret, ptp <brought>
Collins High german Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged seventh Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[brɪŋ] (brought (pt, pp)) vt (gen) → portare; (dissatisfaction, storm) → provocare; (consequences) → avere
to bring relief → dare sollievo
to bring luck → portare fortuna
to bring tears to sb's optics → fare venire a qn le lacrime agli occhi
to bring sth to an end → mettere fine a qc
to bring sth on o.s. (fig) → tirarsi qc addosso
I tin't bring myself to sack him → non so risolvermi a licenziarlo
bring about vt + adv
b. (plow) to bring a boat most → far virare di bordo un'imbarcazione
bring forth vt + adv
bring forward vt + adv
b. (advance fourth dimension of, meeting) → anticipare
bring in vt + adv
b. (produce, income) → rendere
bring off vt + adv
bring on vt + adv
bring round vt + adv
a. (persuade) to bring sb circular (to the idea of sth) → persuadere qn (a fare qc)
b. (steer, conversation) to bring round to → portare su, far cadere su
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(briŋ) – past tense, past participle brought (broːt) – verb1. to make (something or someone) come up (to or towards a place). I'll bring plenty of food with me; Bring him to me! bring يَجْلِبُ،يُخْضِرُ донасям trazer přinést, přivést bringen bringe; føre φέρνω traer, llevar tooma آوردن tuoda apporter; amener לְהָבִיא लाना donijeti hoz mendatangkan, membawa koma með, færa, flytja portare 持ってくる 가져오다 atnešti, atvesti atnest; atvest membawa brengen hente, bringe, ta med przynieść, przyprowadzić راوړل trazer a aduce приносить; приводить priniesť, priviesť prinesti (kaj); pripeljati (koga) doneti, dovesti komma med, ha med sig, ta med [sig], hämta, ta hit (dit) พา getirmek 帶來 приносити لانا mang lại 带来
2. to result in. This medicine will bring you relief. bring يَنْتُجُ عَنْهُ предизвиквам dar přinést bringen medføre; give; skaffe έχω ως αποτέλεσμα, προκαλώ, επιφέρω proporcionar, provocar, dar, causar tooma موجب شدن tuottaa apporter לִגרוֹם पहुंचाना dovesti do eredményez mengakibatkan færa dare, procurare ~をもたらす 결과에 이르게 하다 atnešti, sukelti panākt (rezultātu); novest līdz (rezultātam) membuatkan brengen medføre, skaffe spowodować, przywieść موجب کیدل dar a aduce, a produce приносить; вызывать priniesť povzročiti doneti skänka, ge นำไปสู่ getirmek 導致 призводити کا نتیجہ ہونا làm cho 导致
bring aboutto cause. His disregard for danger brought about his expiry. veroorsaak يُسَبِّبُ причинявам provocar způsobit zustande bringen medføre προξενώ provocar, causar, ocasionar põhjustama به بار آوردن؛ موجب شدن aiheuttaa entraîner לְהָבִיא לִידֵי उत्पन्न करना uzrokovati előidéz menyebabkan orsaka, valda causare 引き起こす 초래하다 būti priežastimi, sukelti radīt; izraisīt menyebabkan teweegbrengen bringe, medføre spowodować منځته راوړل، موجب کیدل provocar a cauza быть причиной spôsobiť povzročiti izazvati förorsaka, vålla ทำให้เกิด neden olmak 造成 викликати باعث بننا ldẫn đến 造成,引起
bring backto (cause to) return. She brought back the umbrella she borrowed; Her singing brings back memories of my female parent. terugbring, herinner aan iets يُعيدُ، يُرْجِعُ връщам restituir vrátit; připomenout zurückbringen bringe tilbage; minde om γυρίζω κτ. πίσω, επαναφέρω devolver; traer , recordar tagasi tooma برگرداندن؛ به یاد آوردن palauttaa rapporter, rappeler לְהַחֲזִיר लौटना या लौटाना podsjetiti visszahoz mengembalikan koma með aftur, skila riportare, richiamare 戻す 돌려주다 grąžinti, priminti atnest atpakaļ; atsaukt atmiņā kembalikan terugbrengen bringe tilbake; gjenkalle, minne om przynieść z powrotem په یاد کی راوړل، راګرځول restituir a readuce, a reînvia возвращать vrátiť; pripomenúť vrniti, spomniti vratiti ha (ta) med sig, lämna tillbaka, påminna om, väcka [till liv] เอาไปคืน geri getirmek; anımsatmak 拿回,喚起 повертати واپس کرنا ، واپس لانا đem trả lại; làm nhớ lại 带回,回忆
bring downto crusade to autumn. The storm brought all the trees downwardly. laat omval يُسقِـط събарям derrubar porazit, srazit stürzen vælte; fælde ρίχνω κάτω derribar, tirar abajo maha murdma موجب سقوط شدن؛ انداختن kaataa abattre לְהַפִּיל गिराना, नीचे उतारना snijeti ledönt merobohkan fella abbattere 倒す 떨어뜨리다 nuversti, numušti notriekt; pazemināt (cenas) menumbangkan neerhalen velte; felle, skyte ned zwalić, przewrócić اچول، د سقوط موجب کیدل deitar abaixo a doborî свалить zvaliť, pováľať zrušiti srušiti fälla, slå (riva) ner ทำให้ร่วงลงมา devirmek 打倒 повалити گرانا làm gục 打倒
bring home toto prove or show (something) conspicuously to (someone). His affliction brought dwelling house to her how much she depended on him. laat insink يُقنع، يبيّـن له доказвам mostrar přivést, objasnit, přesvědčit jemandem etwas klar machen gøre klar for en αποδεικνύω κτ. σε κπ. hacer ver, abrir los ojos, mostrar con claridad veenma به خوبی نشان دادن؛ ثابت کردن osoittaa faire comprendre לְהוֹכִיח בְּבֵרוּר कायल करना, विवश करना uvjeriti nekoga ráébreszt membuktikan færa heim sanninn, sÿna greinilega far comprendere 痛切に感じさせる 깨닫게 하다 aiškiai parodyti ieskaidrot (kādam); likt saprast (kādam) menunjukkn dengan jelas doen beseffen overbevise om, få til å oppfatte przekonać kogoś, uświadomić ثابتول، په ښه والی سره ښودل fazer ver a exercisevedi (limpede) заставить понять presvedčiť dopovedati, razkriti pokazati få att inse klart พิสูจน์หรือแสดงอย่างชัดเจนต่อ göstermek, ortaya koymak 使某人深切體會到 переконати кого у чомусь ثابت کرنا ، واضح کرنا làm cho hiểu 使某人深切地感到
bring offto achieve (something attempted). They brought off an unexpected victory. iets regkry, iets uitvoer يَنْجَحُ في مُهِمَّةٍ، يُحَقِّقُ постигам obter dosáhnout schaffen gennemføre; udføre καταφέρνω, φέρνω σε πέρας κτ. που επιχειρώ lograr, conseguir, obtener hakkama saama با موفقیت انجام دادن؛ نایل شدن به saavuttaa réussir, remporter לְהָשִׂיג बचा ले जाना otpremiti sikerre visz mencapai takast e-ð riuscire 成就する 성취하다 sėkmingai užbaigti/pasiekti paveikt; izpildīt mencapai voor elkaar krijgen lykkes przeprowadzić szczęśliwie له موفقیت سره سرته رسول ، نایل کیدل obter a realiza успешно завершать dosiahnuť doseči ostvariti klara [av], gå i state med ประสบความสำเร็จในสิ่งที่ทำยาก başarmak 完成 досягти حاصل کرنا đạt được 完成
bring roundto bring back from unconsciousness. Fresh air brought him round. bybring يُعيدُ إلى الوَعْي възстановявам fazer voltar a si přivést thousand vědomí wieder zu sich bringen få til at komme til bevidsthed; komme til bevidsthed συνεφέρω, επαναφέρω τις αισθήσεις κπ. reanimar, hacer volver en sí meelemärkusele tooma به هوش آوردن virvoittaa ranimer לְהָשִיב לְהַכָּרָה होश में लाना osvijestiti magához térít membuat siuman vekja til meðvitundar far rinvenire 正気づかせる 회복시키다 atgaivinti atdzīvināt menyedarkan weer bij bewustzijn brengen bringe til seg selv igjen ocucić په هوش کی راوړل fazer voltar a si приводить в сознание priviesť m vedomiu k zavesti spraviti osvestiti se väcka till medvetande igen, få att kvickna till ทำให้ฟื้น kendine getirmek, ayıltmak 使恢復知覺 приводити до тями واپس پہلی حالت میں لانا làm cho tỉnh lại 使恢复知觉
bring up1. to rear or educate. Her parents brought her upwards to be polite. grootmaak, opvoed يُرَبّي отглеждам educar vychovat erziehen opdrage ανατρέφω educar üles kasvatama پرورش دادن kasvattaa élever לְגָדֵל, לְחָנֵך पालन-पोषण करना, पढ़ाना-लिखाना odgojiti felnevel mendidik ala upp educare, allevare 育てる 양육하다 išauginti, išauklėti []audzināt mengajar grootbrengen, opvoeden oppdra, ale opp wychowywać روزنه ورکول educar a creşte, a educa воспитывать vychovať vzgojiti vaspitati uppfostra, utbilda เลี้ยงดู yetiştirmek, eğitmek 養育,教育 виховувати پرورش کرنا ، پالنا giáo dục 养育,教育
2. to introduce (a matter) for discussion. Bring the matter up at the next meeting. iets aanroer/opper يقدم يُقَدِّمُ مَوْضوعا لِلْبَحْث поставям introduzir předložit, nadhodit zur Sprache bringen tage op; bringe på blight εισάγω ένα θέμα στη συζήτηση sacar a colación, sacar a relucir, presentar kõne alla võtma مطرح کردن tuoda esiin soulever לְהַעֲלוֹת נוֹשֵא לְדִיוּן चर्चा के लिए पेश करना staviti na dnevni red előhoz mengemukakan vdkß máls á{{E10}} proporre 持ち出す 제기하다 iškelti, pateikti ierosināt kemukakan ter sprake brengen bringe på blight poruszyć مطرح کول introduzir a aduce în discuţie выносить на обсуждение uviesť, nadhodiť sprožiti pomenuti ta upp, föra fram เอ่ยถึง; เกริ่นเรื่อง ortaya sürmek, söz etmek 提出(供討論) поставити на обговорення بحث کے لئے پیش کرنا nêu vấn đề 提出(供讨论)
bring towards the speaker: Mary, bring me some java .
accept away from the speaker: Take these cups away .
fetch from somewhere else and bring to the speaker: Fetch me my volume from the bedroom .
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ يَجيء بِ přinést bringe bringen φέρνω traer tuoda apporter donijeti portare 持ってくる 가져오다 brengen ta med przynieść trazer приносить hämta นำมา getirmek mang lại 带来Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
vt. traer; inducir;
to ___ down → bajar;
to ___ down the fever → bajar la fiebre;
[raise children] to ___ up → educar, criar.
English language-Castilian Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- Please bring me an extra blanket → مِنْ فَضْلِكَ أُريدُ بَطَّانيَّةً إِضافِيَّةً → Přineste mi, prosím, ještě jednu přikrývku → Bring venligst et ekstra tæppe → Bringen Sie mir bitte eine zusätzliche Decke → Μου φέρνετε μια κουβέρτα ακόμα, παρακαλώ; → Por favor, tráigame una manta más → Haluaisin ylimääräisen peitteen → Merci de 1000'apporter une couverture supplémentaire → Molim vas, donesite mi još jedan pokrivač → Mi può portare united nations'altra coperta? → 追加の毛布を持ってきてください → 담요를 하나 더 갖다 주세요 → Kunt u me een extra deken geven? → Kan jeg få et teppe til? → Proszę niech mi Panprzyniesie dodatkowy koc → Por favor, pode trazer mais um cobertor → Принесите мне, пожалуйста, еще одно одеяло → Kan ni komma med en extra filt? → ช่วยเอาผ้าห่มมาให้ฉันอีกผืน → Bana bir battaniye daha getirir misiniz lütfen? → Làm ơn mang cho tôi thêm một cái chăn → 请再给我一个毛毯好吗?
- Please bring me an extra pillow → مِنْ فَضْلِكَ أُريدُ وِسَادَةً إِضافِيَّةً → Přineste mi, prosím, ještě jeden polštář → Bring venligst en ekstra pude → Bringen Sie mir bitte ein zusätzliches Kopfkissen → Μου φέρνετε ένα μαξιλάρι ακόμα, παρακαλώ; → Por favor, tráigame una almohada más → Haluaisin ylimääräisen tyynyn → Merci de chiliad'apporter un oreiller supplémentaire → Molim vas, donesite mi još jedan jastuk → Mi può portare un altro cuscino? → 追加の枕を持ってきてください → 베개를 하나 더 갖다 주세요 → Kunt u me een extra kussen geven? → Kan jeg få en pute til? → Proszę niech mi Panprzyniesie dodatkową poduszkę → Por favor, pode trazer mais um travesseiro → Принесите, пожалуйста, еще одну подушку → Kan ni komma med en extra kudde? → ช่วยเอาหมอนมาให้ฉันอีกหนึ่งใบ → Bana bir yastık daha getirir misiniz lütfen? → Làm ơn mang cho tôi thêm một cái gối → 请再给我一个枕头好吗?
- Please bring me more than towels → مِنْ فَضَلِكَ أُريدُ بَعْضَ الـمَناشِفِ الإضافِيَّةِ → Přineste mi, prosím, ještě další ručníky → Bring venligt flere håndklæder → Bringen Sie mir bitte mehr Handtücher → Μου φέρνετε κι άλλες πετσέτες, παρακαλώ; → Por favor, tráigame más toallas → Haluaisin lisää pyyhkeitä → Merci de m'apporter plus de serviettes → Molim vas, donesite mi još ručnika → Mi può portare altri asciugamani? → タオルをもっと持ってきてください → 타월을 더 갖다 주세요 → Kunt u me meer handdoeken geven? → Kan jeg få flere håndklær? → Proszę niech mi Panprzyniesie więcej ręczników → Por favor, pode trazer mais toalhas → Принесите мне, пожалуйста, еще полотенец → Kan ni komma med fler handdukar? → ช่วยเอาผ้าเช็ดตัวมาให้ฉันอีกหลายๆ ผืน → Birkaç tane daha havlu getirir misiniz lütfen? → Làm ơn mang thêm khăn tắm cho tôi → 请给我多送几条毛巾来
- Delight bring another bottle → مِنْ فَضْلِكْ، أحْضِرْ لِي زُجَاجَةً أُخْرَى → Přineste, prosím, ještě jednu láhev → En flaske til, tak → Bringen Sie bitte noch eine Flasche → Άλλο ένα μπουκάλι, παρακαλώ → Traiga otra botella, por favor → Tuokaa toinen pullo, kiitos → Une autre bouteille, s'il vous plaît → Molim vas, donesite još jednu bocu → Potrebbe portare united nations'altra bottiglia, per favore → ボトルをもう1本持ってきてください → 한 병 더 갖다 주세요 → Brengt u nog maar een fles → Kan du hente en flaske til? → Proszę przynieść jeszcze jedną butelkę → Por favor, traga uma outra garrafa → Еще одну бутылку, пожалуйста → Kan ni ta in en till flaska, tack? → ขออีกหนึ่งขวด → Bir şişe daha getirir misiniz? → Làm ơn mang thêm một chai nữa → 再来一瓶吧
- Please bring more h2o → مِنْ فَضْلِكْ، أحْضِرْ لِي الَـمَزِيدَ مِنَ الـمَاءِ → Přineste, prosím, ještě vodu → Mere vand, tak → Bringen Sie bitte noch etwas Wasser → Λίγο νερό ακόμα, παρακαλώ → Traiga más agua, por favor → Tuokaa lisää vettä, kiitos → Apportez-nous united nations peu plus d'eau, s'il vous plaît → Molim vas, donesite još vode → Potrebbe portare altra acqua, per favore → 水をもっと持ってきてください → 물을 더 갖다 주세요 → Kunt u meer water brengen alstublieft? → Kan du hente mer vann? → Proszę przynieść więcej wody → Por favor, traga mais água → Еще воды, пожалуйста → Kan half dozen få calorie-free mer vatten? → ช่วยเอาน้ำมาอีก → Biraz daha su getirir misiniz? → Làm ơn mang thêm nước → 再来一点水吧
- Please bring more bread → مِنْ فَضْلِكْ، أحْضِرْ لِي الَـمَزِيدَ مِنْ الـخُبْزِ → Přineste, prosím, ještě další chléb → Mere brød, tak → Bringen Sie bitte noch etwas Brot → Λίγο ψωμί ακόμα, παρακαλώ → Traiga más pan, por favor → Tuokaa lisää leipää, kiitos → Apportez-nous plus de pain, southward'il vous plaît. → Molim vas, donesite još kruha → Potrebbe portare altro pane, per favore → パンをもっと持ってきてください → 빵을 더 갖다 주세요 → Kunt u wat meer brood brengen alstublieft? → Kan du hente mer brød? → Proszę przynieść więcej chleba → Por favor, traga mais pão → Еще хлеба, пожалуйста → Kan ni ta in low-cal mer bröd? → ช่วยเอาขนมปังมาอีก → Biraz daha ekmek getirir misiniz? → Làm ơn mang thêm bánh mỳ → 再来点面包吧
- Please bring the check (Us)
Please bring the bill (United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland) → مِنْ فَضْلِكَ أَحْضِرْ لي الفاتُورَةَ → Přineste, prosím, účet → Regningen, tak → Bringen Sie bitte dice Rechnung → Το λογαριασμό, παρακαλώ → Traiga la cuenta, por favor → Tuokaa lasku, olkaa hyvä → Fifty'addition, southward'il vous plaît → Molim vas, donesite račun → Ci porti il conto, per favore → お勘定をお願いします → 계산서 갖다 주세요 → Ik wil graag de rekening → Kan vi få regningen? → Proszę o rachunek → Por favor, traga a conta → Пожалуйста, принесите счет → Kan jag få notan, tack? → ช่วยเอาบิลมาให้ด้วย → Hesabı alalım lütfen → Làm ơn cho xin hóa đơn → 买单吧
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
vt (pret & pp brought) to — on (pain, etc.) provocar
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 past The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/brought+up
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